【同义词辨析】 2019-01-18 和谐consonant-sympathetic

consonant: implies the absence of elements making for discord or difficulty: a motto ~ with the company's philosophy.  consonant还表示辅音

consistent: may stress absence of contradiction between things or between details of the same thing: behavior that is not ~ with her general character.

compatible: suggests a capacity for existing or functioning together without disagreement, discord, or interference: looking for a ~ roommate.

congruent: suggests a pleasing effect resulting from fitness or appropriateness of elements: modern furniture is not ~ with a colonial house.     fit合适: 心情场合目标等的和谐harmony of mode, tone or purpose,如fitting topics for dinner table conversation适合饭桌上说的话题,appropriate非常合适: 指"显著独特的"合适implies eminent and distinctive fitness,如a golf bag was an appropriate birthday gift for a golfer,高尔夫包是给高尔夫手的非常合适的生日礼物)   注意不要写成congruous,只前本条就写错了,导致无法链接到britannica字典

congenial: implies a generally satisfying harmony between personalities or a fitness to one's personal taste: did not find the atmosphere at the bar ~.   这里表示合意即符合心意

sympathetic: suggests a more subtle or quieter kind of harmony: a music critic not very ~ to rock.

consonant一致: 指没有不和,consistent一致: 仅表示没有抵触(contradict公开抵触,比discord严重),compatible融洽: 指能够共存,没有不和,congruent合适: 表示合适效果好,congenial意气相投合意: 因为性格爱好相似而喜欢,sympathetic喜欢: 这个意思罕见(subtle微妙看不清,quiet听不见,意思是说这种用法不常见),常表示同情,记不记都行

记忆方法: 1)首字母CCCCCSC想成chord,5根琴弦,S想成song歌,弹琴和唱歌的声音<==和谐
        2)和谐的意思是符合宜人mean being in agreement with or agreeable to another.